5 popular coffee drinks for your Los Angeles office

Coffee is an absolute must for many employees in their Los Angeles break room, especially at the start of the day. As a matter of fact, a good cup can set the tone for the entire day. Most importantly, it has become a staple in the office. That is to say, most Los Angeles workplaces need to offer employees a cup of joe in the break room. Many people have a favorite when it comes to the type of coffee they like to drink. In this blog, we’ll look at five of the most popular drinks.

Fuel your Los Angeles office with these favorite coffee drinks 


Combine a wide variety of coffee beans and roast degrees to make this bold creation. Basically, you force a small amount of nearly boiling water through finely-ground coffee beans.  In fact, espresso is the base for many coffee drinks including lattes and cappuccinos. Enjoy an espresso buzz in the office with our state-of-the-art brewers.


This espresso-based drink is prepared with steamed milk or cream in some cases. The espresso portion is poured into the bottom of the cup, followed by the hot milk. Use the espresso machine wand to prepare the milk. The top third of the drink consists of milk foam. Indulge in a flavorful cappuccino in your Los Angeles break room. And, be sure to check that you’re not sporting a milk mustache around the office!


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Use espresso and steamed milk to make this delicious frothy beverage. However, for those who are lactose intolerant, you can use soy, coconut, or almond milk alternatives. Some variations include adding sweet syrups in a variety of flavors including, vanilla, caramel, and chocolate. The difference between a latte and a cappuccino is that a latte has way more steamed milk and a light layer of foam.  In addition, a latte is more blended while a cappuccino is more distinctly layered.  With our Los Angeles office coffee service, you’ll feel like there’s a barista in your break room.


Dilute an espresso with hot water and you’ve got an Americano. The strength of an Americano depends on the number of espresso shots and the amount of water added. Customize it to your liking and enjoy it with a healthy snack through our office pantry service.

Cold-brew coffee is gaining popularity

Ah yes, who doesn’t enjoy a cold refreshing drink? A cold brew is created with a higher coffee to water ratio than regular drip coffee. It has become more popular in recent years as people have discovered the joy of drinking a strong cold brew. Best of all, this beverage is ideal for those who want to cut caffeine since it contains less caffeine than drip coffee.

Premium Los Angeles coffee in your workplace

In short, employees will get a better experience with Premier VendGroup’s Los Angeles office coffee services. Our single-cup brewers give you the ability to customize your drink. However, if you’re looking for the freshest cup of joe, try our bean-to-cup brewers such as Cafection, Blavilor Bonamat, or the Starbucks Serenade. For those of you who need pots of coffee for your Los Angeles employees, our traditional brewers are a great option. And, you won’t be lacking in premium coffee as we offer a range of popular name brands. Bottom line, if you’re in need of a full-service coffee solution for your Los Angeles company, we’re here for you.

For more information about our office coffee, micro-market, pantry, or vending services, contact Premier VendGroup at 562-928-1301 or service@premiervendgroup.com. We look forward to working with you!