Los Angeles Vending Services | Long Beach Micro-Market | Anaheim Employee Retention

7 Reasons Your Los Angeles Office Needs a Micro-Market

A micro-market is a versatile and efficient break room solution. This break room service creates an unattended retail space that is open 24/7. Furnished with glass front coolers, snack shelves, and a self-pay kiosk, employees can find a variety of refreshments. From fresh meals to snacks and drinks, micro-markets cater to everyone.

Here are seven reasons your company might benefit from adding a Los Angeles micro-market to your break room.

1. Make Lunch-Time Convenient

Not all employees have time to pack a breakfast or lunch. A micro-market provides a wide variety of ready-to-eat meals, snacks, and beverages. Your team can easily find nutritious foods and satisfying options without the hassle of meal prep.

2. Eliminate the Need for Off-Site Trips

With a micro-market, your team won’t need to drive to local stores or cafes. Going off-site can cut into your employees’ break times and disrupt workflow.

A micro-market brings a convenience store and self-serve café to your workplace, allowing employees to spend less time on the road and more time focused on work. Plus, your team can enjoy their meal or snack in the break room instead of eating at their desks, which can boost productivity.

Los Angeles Office Coffee | Long Beach Break Room Solutions | Anaheim Staff Perks

3. Micro-Market Boosts Employee Happiness

A well-stocked micro-market can also enhance employee satisfaction. You can show appreciation for your team by stocking their favorite refreshments in the office.

One option to boost employee retention is to subsidize your Long Beach micro-market. By paying for a portion of the cost of snacks and food, you can boost morale and motivation.

4. Offer a Variety of Fresh Food, Snacks, and Beverages

With Premier VendGroup, you can offer your team a wide variety of foods, snacks, and beverages. We can make a custom mix of products that matches your team’s taste and dietary needs.

Offer a balance of healthy salads and fruits as well as indulgent treats. You can even include coffee and tea that rivals the local café. Employees can have a cup of coffee and a cookie for a snack, or grab a tasty sandwich for lunch.

5. Cater to Early and Late Shifts

For companies with employees working early or late shifts, a micro-market is invaluable. Restaurants and stores may not be open during these hours. However, micro-markets provide 24/7 access. Plus, it’s a step ahead of Los Angeles vending services, providing greater variety and a pleasant shopping experience. No matter what your teams’ schedule, they can find hot coffee, meal options, and snacks.

Los Angeles Employee Satisfaction | Long Beach Healthy Options | Anaheim Micro-Market

6. Micro-Market Encourages Healthier Eating Choices

Support wellness by including healthy options in your micro-market. When you provide healthy snacks and meals in your Anaheim break room, it’s easy for employees to make nutritious choices.

We can provide many healthy items such as fruit, vegetables, and whole-grain items. Plus, consider adding a Los Angeles office water service so your team can stay hydrated.

When you encourage wellness, this can also result in fewer sick days and higher productivity levels.

7. Attract and Retain Talent

Your workplace can stand out with this modern break room service. It shows prospective employees that you work hard to create a supportive office environment.

This break room solution is also an employee perk for existing employees. Employees will love shopping in your new open market filled with their favorite snacks, meals, and drinks.

Build Your Custom Micro-Market with Premier VendGroup

A micro-market is a comprehensive solution that improves your workplace. We take care of everything. From design and installation to restocking, our teams ensure your break room runs smoothly.

Get in touch at 562-928-1301 to start planning your break room upgrade. We look forward to creating a custom solution that works for you.

Los Angeles Vending Technology | Long Beach Micro-Market | Anaheim Employee Satisfaction

Modernize Your Los Angeles Micro-Market with the Latest Technology

Los Angeles micro-markets are creating a revolution in break rooms. This break room service creates an onsite store featuring your team’s favorite snacks and beverages.

We use the latest break room technology to boost convenience and safety so your team can enjoy top notch office refreshments and a comfortable shopping experience. Here’s a closer look at the cutting edge technology that makes our micro-markets stand out.

Modern Self-Serve Kiosk Payments

Forget scrounging for change. Our state-of-the-art kiosks offer a smooth and flexible payment process.

Our kiosk accepts cash, credit card and mobile wallet payments.

Flexible payment options boost the customer experience. Another option is our micro-market accounts that use an email address and fingerprint. You can set up your account in minutes! This means your employees can:

  • Create a monthly food budget.
  • Use their account to pay by funding it ahead of time.
  • Make purchases even if they forget their wallet at home.

Our kiosks also help you save when shopping in your Los Angeles micro-market. Discover products on sale or new items your team might like to try.

Security Cameras for Peace of Mind

Security is a top priority in our micro-markets. We want everyone to feel safe while shopping. So, we place security cameras in strategic areas to monitor your break room.

Los Angeles Breakroom Technology | Long Beach Healthy Options | Anaheim Micro-Market

These cameras help deter theft and provide peace of mind. Everyone can buy meals, beverages, and healthy snacks in your Long Beach break room with confidence.

Self-Locking Micro-Market Coolers

We strive to offer the freshest products. As part of our promise to keep items fresh and safe, our micro-markets have self-lock technology. In the event of a power outage, the micro-market will self lock to prevent access to foods that may have spoiled.

This feature protects your team. Plus,  it maintains the integrity of our products. With us, your food is always fresh.

A Menu Tailored to Your Team’s Tastes

Do you want a break room service that adapts to your needs? We make each micro-market smarter with sophisticated software. By tracking sales, we can see which products your Anaheim team likes best. Then, we bring more of what you love to your break room.

We can stock the market with healthy options such as salads and fresh fruits. Or, indulge your team with sweet treats.

By understanding your team’s preferences, we can optimize our menus. This ensures they can always find their favorite items onsite.

Bring the Benefits of a Modern Micro-Market to Your Break Room

Contact Premier VendGroup to learn more about our Los Angeles vending, micro-market, office coffee and office water solutions. Get in touch at 562-928-1301 to learn more. We look forward to bringing state-of-the-art solutions to your break room.